Your Time is now

you are awesome, invincible, a relentless money machine

Soon, this is what those closest to you will be reminded of

Since 1999

How Why & the infinite power of i

Through The Omniscience Principle and The Power of i … I broke free. I battled failure, depression and the enormous pressure to succeed for some twenty years … I won!

The experience changed the way I think, the way I see the world, the way I interact with people, the way I work. It changed my attitude towards business and the way I live. It changed me completely.

Whatever your personal opinions on the theories, paradigms, facts and dogma explored in this explosive publication, you absolutely, unequivocally will not escape the inescapable fact that … you’ll never think the same way again!

You have discovered The Omniscience Principle and The Power of i. It will change the way YOU think, the way YOU see the world, the way YOU interact with people, the way YOU work. It WILL change YOUR life completely … it WILL set YOU free.

“I want man to be like a never-falling Icarus – spreading the wings forever reaching new heights no matter the obstacles that may be in our way”

Paul Tranter.
Author, Artist, Serial Entrepreneur,
Environmentalist and Founder of Wealthness
“Life’s Too Short To Think Small”

Key Features:

1. Mindset Management: Explores techniques to mentally navigate the numerous disappointments and failures inherent in the business world.

2. Wealthness Concept: Introduces the idea of ‘Wealthness’ – a holistic approach balancing mental well-being with financial success.

3. Business Analysis: Distinguishes between businesses that offer true freedom and those that merely create a badly-paid job.

4. Wealth Generation: Focuses on creating personal wealth with a purpose, emphasizing doing good with accumulated resources.

5. Personal Growth: Pitches the concept of an ‘egosystem’ against an ‘ecosystem’ to foster personal development.

6. Practical Blueprint: Offers a detailed, 776,000-word guide filled with strategies, insights, and tools for success.

7. Long-term Perspective: Draws on two decades of real-world business experience, providing a tested and proven approach.

Who is it for?

1. Those wanting to break free: People feeling stuck or trapped in their current life circumstances and seeking a way out.

2. Those wanting to make a better life: Individuals looking to improve their overall quality of life and achieve greater success and fulfillment.

3. Those seeking fulfillment: People who feel something is missing in their lives and are searching for deeper meaning and purpose.

4. Entrepreneurs and Unicorns: Ambitious individuals looking to achieve extraordinary success in business or other pursuits.

5. Those struggling with disappointment and depression: People dealing with mental health challenges, setbacks, or feelings of failure who want to overcome these obstacles.

6. Those wanting answers: Individuals searching for insights and solutions to life’s big questions and challenges.

7. Anyone battling to succeed: People who have faced repeated failures or obstacles in pursuing their goals and are looking for strategies to finally break through.

8. Those interested in personal growth and transformation: Readers who are drawn to self-help and personal development content aimed at profound life changes.

458 Pages | 176,000 Words

You Are More Amazing Than You Could Imagine

This is the beginning; a brand new start … Several years ago, a less expanded copy of what you are about to read was sold alongside a business development plan, a hard copy, self-published course that was selling at an exceptional rate.

It came to the attention of what, from this point forward, will be know as The Nexus … and the rest is history!

Our company, reputation and cash flow was obliterated with such speed and clinical precision by the dirtiest, most rotten, low-down tricks it was staggering. Honestly, it was the stuff of movies!

We were ridiculed in the media, pilloried by the paparazzi, torn apart by Government investigation and absoloutely de-platformed … But one thing the agencies, suits and quangos hadn’t banked upon was that SOMETHING THIS DEBATABLE JUST HAS TO BE DEBATED!

Whatever your personal opinions on theories, paradigms, facts and dogma explored in these modules, you absolutely, unequivocally will not escape the inescapable fact that … you’ll never think the same way again!

You have discovered The Omniscience Principle. It will change the way you think, the way you see the world, the way you interact with people, the way you work, your attitude towards business, the way you live. It WILL change your life … it WILL set you free and allow you to embrace a wholly good and fulfilled life.

The Omniscience Principle is going to drag you kicking and screaming along your very own journey … You’re about to see in all it’s Technicolor glory, right here, right now, how you too can have a great, fat, juicy chunk of your dreams, desires and aspirations.

Yes that’s right! … I don’t care if you’re black, white, yellow, pink or blue, I don’t care if you’re a young whippersnapper or an ageing silver fox, I don’t care if you live in London, New York or Uzbekistan … YOU CAN HAVE A BETTER LIFE, BE IN A BETTER PLACE.

But first … If you ARE currently happy, wealthy, free and content then this probably isn’t for you … if not, read on

All I ask is that you take from The Omniscience Principle what you can; use it, grow bigger, better, stronger, do good and become fulfilled, and above all, achieve all you deserve in all facets of your life.

The Omniscience Principle is a way of looking at the world. As Einstein maintains: “Change your point of view and your world changes”. It’s about YOU and breaking free of the constraints forced upon you through indoctrination and manipulation since birth; moral codes and policing you can do without and which hold you back in a world of obedience and mediocrity.

It’s about building faith in YOUR OWN abilities; it’s about fulfilment, it’s about wealth in all its forms. Yes, it’s about cold, hard cash, becasue you are hog tied without it. But it’s about so much more than that. Cash is the mechanism through which we experience Awakening.  It’s about instant gratification, indulgence and the pleasure it brings in this life, right now.

Do feel like you’re the only person with a fork in a world full of soup?

You’re not alone!

“I know how you are feeling; I know because I’ve been there, I have been where you are now”

Worry no more! You’re not alone and now you too have discovered The Omniscience Principle, and The Power of i.

Soon you’ll be powering your way out too!

A plane won’t fly without the wings. Bolt all the elements together and it’ll soar.

You only have a very limited time here on this Earth … once you’re gone, you’re gone. My job over the next few weeks and months is to give you the tools to make the absoloute most of it.

We’ll discover that you can be rich but not wealthy and look to address that. Wealth is holistic and you are only truly rich when you are doing the right things, the good things and are truely fulfilled.

This is not about concrete and glass … it is about tuning your very soul to sing.


Where is the Black Crow guiding you today?

Go to school, go to college, get a job, get financed, get a mortgage … live your entire life just above the poverty line.

I say “lets find our own path” because unless you’re highly specialized, highly trained, or highly sought-after, a job is time-hungry, not leverageable, and will simply never pay enough!

How much is enough? Well, that depends on the individual, but take it from me, it’s a bloody great fat number that very few jobs will pay.

The Omniscience Principle and The Power of I are about opening the door to Self. By doing so, you open doors to a better life.

I built my business one step at a time. For years, the money refused to roll, but I stuck at it. I did whatever it would take to succeed.

I truly wish The Omniscience Principle and The Power of I were around when I started my journey.

“I started right at the bottom, so don’t think for a second that YOU can’t achieve personal and financial fulfillment.”

YOU CAN… and you will, if you consider the systems outlined and, most importantly, refuse to give up.

You will make it. Maybe not overnight, but I promise, it will happen.

Starting today, I’m going to reveal how YOU can go on to get the best life possible.

What do I know?

More than some, not as much as others. I don’t have all the answers, but I have some because I’ve been there in those trenches. Thonse muddy, claustrophobic trenches. The suffocating labyrinth of despair, where the lonley waded through the muck of their own darkest thoughts, dodging the constant barrage of fear and hopelessness.

At one point, I was so low, so pissed off, and so desperate because things just wouldn’t go my way that I convinced myself I was possessed by an evil spirit, hell-bent on scuppering my every move. What could I have possibly done in another life to deserve all this bad luck?

I even made an appointment to get exorcised! Honestly, it sounds crazy, but it’s true.

The noise generated through The Egosystem is deafening. Everyone’s a guru, they all have the answer. And they’re all so lost! The endless persuit of trinklets and status symbols. Measuring success by the size of their mega yacht, it’s empty and soulless.

Wealthness is holistic, it is about using cash (because we can’t do without it) as a mechanism to create true fulfillment. Happiness, all encompassing, soul warming happiness isn’t found in material possessions; it’s about finding something bigger than you and making a real difference in the world.

Well, the good news is that I have done OK.  I’ve gone rapidly backwards and am going forwards again. More good news is that I’m using precisely the systems, methods, and techniques I’m going to share with you now.

I have been right at the very bottom of the pile, in the muck and mire of destitute obscurity. I have battled, wrestled, and climbed to the exhilarating peak of my very own Everest. Compared to this journey, those old medieval knights who went off into the misty wilderness to slay dragons had it easy – their quests were a mere walk in the park.

You’ll learn about the Black Crow in the book!

“I have always been a millionaire, i didn’t always have the money”


The Millionaire Mindset

I kept going. You see, I have always been a millionaire; it’s just that I haven’t always had the money!

It’s a mental thing. Without a millionaire mindset, how can you possibly be a millionaire? Anyone can get to where they want to be, and the good news is that luck has no (or very little) part to play. We’ve all got it within us; it simply needs freeing.

I’ve tried everything. I had a bar: The Upsidedown Flying Crocodile Bar—it failed.

I had a catering business: Butties World Famous Sandwiches—it flopped.

I had a publishing business: The Vanguard Alliance, and I got utterly shafted by the The Suits!

I remember back when I was so ridiculously broke, celebrating having a positive balance of $180 (£100) in my account. That was the only money I had—no assets, no property, no savings… zip, nada, zilch!

Now I’m here. I would like to say “i’ve arrived” but there is no such thing. The universe is in constant flux and although we achieve goals, life always goes on.

I am in a good place. I have material possessions, an amazing family, and an environmental charity. I take nothing for granted, thank the Universe—probably not as often as I should—and feel that I embrace the good and rewarding gifts.

This has been some white-knuckle ride, I can tell you. And the great thing for you is that because I’ve gone through hell and high water, waged war, and beaten my monsters and demons, I know pretty much what YOU need to do in order to join me in the Kingdom of Wealthess.

After failing in just about every venture I set my attention to, I had reconciled myself to the fact that I would probably never get the money to become a fully rounded millionaire. 

Then along came my golden thread, my opportunity. I discovered The Internet!

It’s changed the world beyond all recognition. People are making fortunes, and despite all the influencers crap, scams, broken promises and hollow guarantees, it genuinely is possible to achieve sustainable wealth and freedom. I see the web as the easiest way, but it’s not for everyone, and the good news is that it does not matter.

This is about YOU, and YOU make your own choices.

“I did it my way”. To quote the late, great Frank Sinatra…

I’m now qualified, willing, and able to share with you every intimate detail of how you can do the same for your chosen path. 

I won’t leave you high and dry; I won’t be working to squeeze every last dime, dollar, and cent for the next installment… and that’s a promise!

We’re in this for the long haul because the ‘make the money and run’ culture now rife makes me sick. You’ve seen it; you get it rammed down your gullet every single day. Occasionally, some jerk comes along with a clever pitch, and again you think, “this is it, finally I’ve found the answer.”

You part with yet more of that hard-earned cash, and what do you get?

A walk in the rain along the Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

As Lao Tzu wrote: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” My Internet journey started with a single step.  I remember, oh so vividly, not too long ago, the excitement, the rush I got… bong, bing… My young boy used to giggle with delight and join in the ritual dance around the tired old bedroom I used to call my office.

“We’ve got caa ash, we’ve got caa ash.”

That’s my boy… Yippi!

“We’ve got caa ash, we’ve got caa ash.”

Well, that’s a truly pleasant and distant memory now. We’re living the Internet dream. My wife and I, along with our three incredible children, are truly bathing in its ocean of wealth, liberty, and accompanying joy.

So, how did I achieve my wealth, my freedom, my liberty?

I cast off the warps, hoisted the sails, and embarked upon my own personal journey with the help of those who had gone before and who wanted to help others. People with a passion to share. One such person who inspired me wrote:

I remember when it started, years and years ago.

I’d be up all night, lying awake, feeling the feeling.

The feeling consumed me; it was the center point of my dreams, it was the pulsation of my visions.

I wanted to help people.
I wanted to move people.
I wanted to inspire people.
I wanted to wake people up,
To live their lives completely.

Every time my heart would beat, the world would vibrate with impact, as I was so committed to becoming the most transformational friend I could be.

This wonderful person helped me, and now I feel just as passionate about helping YOU.

There’s an old saying, “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.”

Never has a quote been so poignant as when referring to the crud and detritus that’s floating about the net today; fluffed-up drivel purporting to be ‘the next big thing!’ Spotty teenagers with the Key To Life, despite only having fifteen years of it under their belt.

Cash, Cash, Cash, Cash, Cash … I’ve Got Mountains of it and You Want Cash Too … Don’t You?

When I walk in a room people ask, “What’s that smell?”

I’ll tell you, it’s the heady scent of money and I positively reek of it.


“I got blingingly rich selling the same old, same old… Bla, Bla, Bleedin’ Bla”

And this doesn’t just apply to millennials. Some of the world’s most famous ‘gurus’ do extremely well selling recycled, respun works that were written at the turn of the twentieth century, relevant in the days of Oliver Twist. Books so old they are no longer in copyright.

Then there’s the new-age buzz words: Manifestation (blind faith in an unknown, indescribable, invisible energy)

Let me tell you about manifestation… “ask and you shall receive!!!”

I have an old Porsche that I stripped down some fifteen years ago. Every night I would go to bed and ‘envision’ the beast, all shiny and new as, according to the ‘gurus’, “it would be done”.

Well, to coin an old, well-worn English phrase of mine, “What a load of olde bollocks!”

Each time I entered my garage there she sat in the same sorry state she was in when I first broke her down.

So no! This isn’t that!

Experience has taught me that most of the gurus got rich selling ‘get rich’ work. Few have actually gotten rich by rolling up their sleeves and getting on the tools. As a result, there are huge voids in their philosophy, massive and deeply important chunks of wisdom missing. And this is a dangerous thing because they are setting us up to fail. They are getting rich off the backs of us.

It wasn’t until I got down and dirty, spent thousands of hours grinding and polishing, sanding and cleaning, painting and building, that my old Porsche finally breathed new life.

So it is with what I share with you today. I got down and dirty, I developed systems that work; and yes, some are inspired by old works, systems that have been making man rich since commerce was first developed… but what I share is far more rounded, exponentially more matured.

I quickly worked out that you’re only given a finite period in which to make the most of your life, so you’re equipped with very limited resources in time and energy. I therefore made a conscious decision:

Do the very best I can do, in anything and everything I do.

This way I can always say when my time’s up: “I tried, I did everything I possibly could do to attain wealth, freedom and happiness… I gave it all I had.”

This way, if I was to fail, I could hold my head high and turn to the fellow residents waiting for God in the retirement home, smelling of piss and stale breath, I could say: “I could do no more.”

It’s very easy to sell garbage. Millions make $millions, even $billions every year doing it, but for me? For me, it would be a betrayal of everything I stand for, it would be a total waste of my life’s energies.

As I said earlier, ‘I have always been a millionaire, at times I just didn’t have the money.

It’s simply a fact that we need dirty old cash in order to become wealthy! However, that’s a difficult thing in and of itself and only part of the puzzle.

We’ve come a long way in the last three hundred years, and there’s a chasm between what we need and what we want. Managing shelter, fire, and food are skills most can get on board with. We’re now blessed (or cursed) with a world crammed with things we want, and we’re just not born with the qualities and assets needed to make it alone.

Getting the things we want is hard, and unless we’re privileged, we turn to others seeking ways to acquire them. This is where things go so very wrong. When these methods inevitably don’t work, we find ourselves frustrated and often depressed, feeling like we’ve failed when in reality, we were set up for disappointment from the start.

This cycle of hope, attempt, and letdown is The Plan!

“You can be rich,but not wealthy.

Yet you cannot be truly free without cash.”


It’s Taken Me Twenty Years to Become an Overnight Success


“How on earth do you achieve all that when acquiring even the simplest things is such a struggle?”

I attended miserable schools where most teachers didn’t really care. I grew up in a town with few opportunities for work and many opportunities for crime. I speak with a painful ‘Brummie’ accent and am rough around the edges… I wrote every single word you’re reading… yet I’m dyslexic!

I am ONE inimitable thing… living testament that anyone can do anything.

My journey started well before the Net. You could say it’s taken me twenty five hard, long years to become an overnight success.

But don’t let that put you off, the good news is OTHERS HAVE DONE ALL THE HARD WORK!

Information is King in the 21st Century

In the last hundred years we’ve seen great changes. We have stepped out of the industrial era into the information age and with the advent of the Worldwide Web we are now entering a new and exciting time.

A new revolution is under way: The Information Revolution. We are entering a time where our lives are changing so dramatically it seems almost impossible to keep up.

It’s no longer ‘who’ you know, it’s ‘what’ you know.

Information is power. Without it, men would still be banging women over the heads and dragging them back to their caves by their scruff. If you haven’t the right information in the information age you might as well go and join the Quakers!

Ask yourself this: “Who would you rather go to for sound financial and investment advice?”

Your local bank assistant, Freddy Finance your friendly neighbourhood money advisor, Warren Wide Boy the local supplier of just about anything he can fit in the back of his truck, OR Alan Greenspan, Richard Branson, Elon Musk or the Director of the World Bank?

Imagine if you could spend an hour with Bill Gates, pick his brains; imagine what that hour would be worth to you.

Bernard Arnault. He is the chairman and CEO of LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, the world’s largest luxury goods conglomerate. Arnault has built his fortune over nearly four decades, amassing a luxury empire that includes renowned brands like Louis Vuitton, Dior, and Moët & Chandon with a net worth exceeding $200 billion. He couldn’t count how much money he has if he spent the rest of his life trying. If Arnault wrote a step-by-step guide titled “How to Make a Billion Dollars” which you could follow and make money as he did, you’d buy into that wouldn’t you?

I’m Not Bright or Cunning Enough!

I figured that the only way to get the money noticeably absent from my millionaire lifestyle was to learn from those at the summit of the cash mountain. Makes sense doesn’t it? My point is, that wouldn’t you want to seek out help from the best there is?

They are only mortal. If they can do it so can you!

It has been said that a million is always easier to make the second time around. Why?

Because you know the rules, you know what works and what doesn’t. You have established the game plan; you have a proven recipe for ultimate accomplishment.

Now I’m not saying that any of us will read a book by Arnault and become grotesquely rich but there are some basic foundations that underpin all wealth creation. So I got my head down. I worked so hard for so long I thought I’d never break free. Every time I saw the light at the end of the tunnel it turned out to be a train coming in the opposite direction!

Sound familiar?

I know something more about you. I know you need to know what I know; I know you’re desperately looking for a way out.


“Do you feel like you’re
drowning in a sea of lies,
deceit and misinformation?”


i know something about you

As you’ve read this far I think it’s safe to assume that you’ve been desperately searching for a whole host of answers to your questions… right?

Before you check your mail each morning, you say a little prayer and wiggle your fingers at the screen, hoping it’ll make a difference to your luck!

You sort out the junk and file it in the junk bin, then check the junk bin to make sure nothing’s dropped in there by mistake. You move the bills in the ‘to be paid one day when I get around to it’ folder, and then you sift through the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that arrive with tedious regularity and bin them too because… they’re not!

You have picked the brains of friends and colleagues in the hope that they may provide you with some wisdom… they haven’t!

You have probably had many groundbreaking ideas of your own, only to see them gather dust because you had nowhere to go or no one to approach for competent help and support.

You didn’t have the right information to move forward, did you?

How do I know all this when we’ve never even met?

Simple! If you had discovered the answers, then you wouldn’t be reading this, would you?

Seek out the Highest Achievers on the Planet,
Learn Their Secrets, and Emulate That Success

I’ve had an amazing, albeit unconventional, life. After a particular period as a chartered yacht skipper, I met my future wife, and she became pregnant with our first son. I found myself working in a boatyard doing the work affluent yacht owners avoided because they could afford not to do it. As they looked down their noses at me while I scraped the toxic antifoul from the hulls, I comforted myself with the knowledge that this was merely a stepping stone.

Determined to find my true path, I fed my curious mind by listening to audio tapes in my car and reading books every night. This was before the internet, so I sought knowledge wherever I could find it.

The brief was this – I wrote it down to keep me focused: To seek out the highest achievers on the planet, learn their secrets, and emulate that success…

And I did just that. During those long, dark times, I grew; each day I became a bigger and better person.

I learned about the Weapons employed by those who seek to keep us in a position of existence. I learned that there really is a formula for ultimate accomplishment, and it’s used over and over by a tiny group tenacious enough to discover it for themselves. I eventually realized that I was never ‘possessed’ by a wicked demon at all. And I discovered that, contrary to what the ‘Rich Jerks’ will have you believe, there is no magic seed that, when planted at the bottom of the garden, flourishes into a blooming money tree; no higher order that lavishes the chosen few with great fortune; no super-system that pays out vast sums for little or no investment!

The World Full of Ordinary People Like You and I

It actually came as a big surprise to me that the world’s high achievers are merely normal, everyday people!

The current Richest on Earth title holder wasn’t born that way; they were not a child prodigy who grew up to become the world’s cleverest. They’re bright, there’s no denying that, but no super genius.

And this was a revelation… Ya bloody hoooo!

It really is possible for just about anyone to make it with the right information. And I’ll be perfectly candid with you. It’s not that complicated. There are some fundamental ground rules that are as relevant in today’s turbulent world as they were millennia ago.

YOU have all the attributes needed to be a millionaire.

In fact, if you truly want that level of prestige, then you’re already well on your way to attaining it. You have already shown you have what it takes by getting this far! The only thing that separates the top earners from those who settle for mediocrity is that high achievers have relentlessly sought the right formula, found it… and acted upon it.

I did, and when the Internet came along, the ball started to roll; it rolled and rolled and rolled, faster and faster. Now there’s just no stopping that old money ball. I have built a formidable online business to be proud of, and now my time has come to leave my mark and do good in the world.

Time For YOU to Break Free

‘Seek out the highest achievers on the planet, learn their secrets, and share them with others who would wish to emulate that success’.

This is 24 Carat, 100% Proof – DYNAMITE!!!

The backbone of success is information; the right information.

The brief was executed with finite precision. The accumulated information is 24 carat, 100% proof – DYNAMITE. Proven secrets, formulae, and strategies – the very same ones that were used by the top 5% of the population to accumulate 95% of the world’s wealth.

Transposed onto the new information highway, what you’ll learn can take you anywhere you want to go.

I don’t care if you’re black, white, yellow, pink, or blue; I don’t care if you’re a young whippersnapper or an old silver surfer; I don’t care if you live in London, New York, or Uzbekistan… THIS IS FOR YOU.

There are millionaires out there by the thousands who will make it someday… and they don’t even know it. There are those that will rake in unimaginable amounts of cash over the coming years who can’t even turn a computer on now.

Are you a millionaire without the money?

Or do you just want to make a little extra income to make your current life easier?

People just like you are growing, becoming stronger, and profiting from proven strategies right now. While searching for the Right Information, you’ve no doubt seen the ubiquitous testimonials… I never believe them!

But as you’d expect nothing less of me, the ones you see below are genuine and taken from hundreds I receive. I’ve reproduced them simply to reassure you that others have been where you are, have taken the step, are now getting to where they want to be… and to nudge you yet closer towards joining me.

Ideas, Methods, and Systems That Are PROVEN TO WORK

These ideas and strategies have been proven to work. I’ve put my own money on the line, and I’m now a player, competing and winning in the real world! How many times have you been promised the elixir of life? When it came down to it, all you got was a bottle of fizzy water.

Finally, you have discovered YOUR holy grail.

The answer to your question: “Where and how do I find the right information to make it and break free?” It’s been answered. It’s not who you know, it’s what you know… more accurately, it’s what I share that will guarantee your success… If, and it’s a fundemental ‘IF’ you take action.

The Omniscience Principle is the culmination of years of research; a compendium of systems, methods, and paradigms that made the rich and powerful, rich and powerful. And then we add a sprinkling of goodness. It is true empowerment and enablement, inner growth, on conscious and subconscious levels.

I studied established systems, I developed my own, I followed the path already walked, and am living proof that anyone can follow along.

When you enter this world of Wealthness, you will learn how to greatly enrich every facet of your life. You will grow exponentially. You will become truly empowered. You will join a growing army of people who are using and profiting from the methods I share right now.

Bong, bong, bing bing… There is a magnificent feeling which runs through your body each time you bank cash…

And now the time has come for us to talk money!

I studied experts in their fields for years, learned from them, mimicked their success until I was competent enough to continue alone. I tweaked and modified those theories and adapted many for the better. Now I share those systems with those who have an insatiable craving to learn them; I will share them with YOU.

Soon You Too Will Travel That Well-Traveled Road of Wealth…

Follow the blueprint of life… put in a modicum (shit ton) of effort!

Soon you too will develop your path and be banking cash… bong, bong, bing bing… And you know what? You sought out the highest achievers, learned from them, mimicked their success, and in turn will bank YOUR just rewards.

This is The Omniscience Principle in its purest form. It is having the precise information needed to fulfill your dreams and achieve your aspirations. It is about doing the right things, in the right place, at the right time. It is a formula for super-success and about achieving it.

Remember, whatever the goal you set it, can’t be done without the devil’s coin. Yes, it’s a laudable ambition to minimise the footprint on this planet, go off-grid and only eat tree bark. You still need to buy the land, the solar panels, the wind generator, the tools to grow the food.

How much will you bank?

Well, that’s your call!

Freedom, true, all-embracing freedom doesn’t come cheap!

Once you have grown multiple streams of passive income, the workload wanes, but – be under no illusion, you are going to have to work damn hard to get there on both physical and spiritual levels.

You will be seeking income streams flowing in from everywhere. If one money tap dries up, a different one will open to spring another tributary to your vast, flowing river. Your journey does not stop. You continue onward. Super-success is not a destination.

Over the weeks and months, you will accrue and develop an arsenal of information, turnkey strategies THAT WORK. You will receive the foundations on which you will build your own empire. You can and will go on to amazing new heights using systems employed by the top 5%.

You no longer have to experiment.

You now have access to the minds of the wealthy who’ll guide you step-by-step along the path to success – they did it for me, and I’ll do the same for you!

Join me now and instantly have access to all the knowledge you would ever need to become personally and financially free.

Your Guarantee

Guarantee #1: I guarantee to supply you with so much hard-core, 24 carat, 100% proof material it’ll make your toes curl… I said material, not bullshit, fluff, and half-baked hogwash.

Guarantee #2: I guarantee that while my work is built on solid foundations, it has now been fully developed and refined into a comprehensive fortress of knowledge. You won’t find this complete, integrated system anywhere else. What I offer is a unique, all-encompassing resource that brings together proven strategies, cutting-edge insights, and practical wisdom in one place.

Guarantee #3: I guarantee that if you don’t take this step now, you’ll spend yet more of your precious resources, energy, and cash many times over and still end up back here. How do I know that? Curiosity and nagging doubt – you’ll never know if everything you ever needed was here, and because I’ve planted the seed just now; because I’ve just told you that this site will stick in your mind – IT WILL.

Watch, it’ll be the last thing you think of before going to sleep tonight – YOU WATCH!

Soon, this is what those closest to you will be reminded of.

Begin your journey towards Wealthness today, through The Omniscience Principle and The Power of I.

The systems you’ll receive in the next few minutes I’ve developed to become the best person I can be, the very same ones you’ll emulate to build your new life; a life that is yours… and better still, the life you’ll develop for your family and your family’s family.


In the comprehensive 500-page tome How Why and the Infinite Power of I, I delve deep into The Omniscience Principle and The Power of I, providing readers with a thorough exploration of these transformative concepts. The book is structured into several key sections, each building upon the last to create a complete understanding of personal empowerment and success.

It begins with the foundations of The Omniscience Principle, explaining how access to the right information at the right time can lead to unprecedented growth and achievement. The text then transitions into The Power of I, detailing how individuals can harness their innate potential to shape their reality. Throughout the book, real-world examples, practical exercises, and thought-provoking insights are woven together, offering readers a roadmap to apply these principles in their own lives. The final chapters synthesize all the elements, demonstrating how The Omniscience Principle and The Power of I work in tandem to unlock infinite possibilities for personal and financial freedom that we term Wealthness.

The price of $42 for my book is a deliberate nod to Douglas Adams’ “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, where 42 is famously the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything”. 


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The Wealthness Blog

Celebrating the majesty of life, 1ness and the infinite Power of i. It is organic, a living blueprint of real-world strategies, systems and paradigms, features and benefits springing fully-grown from the brow of Zeus; an assimilation of many different projects and experiences.

It’s a comprehensive resource designed to empower newbies thru to experienced marketers to effectively and ethically market successfully on and offline using tried and truly tested strategies. It’s tools created to enhance personal effectiveness and to help online business bring products into the marketing arena … and succeed. 

Game Changer

“Embracing the Omniscience Principle has been a game-changer for me. I used to doubt my abilities, but now I tackle challenges head-on, feeling empowered and ready for anything!”

New Perspective

“I can’t believe how much my perspective has shifted since I discovered the Omniscience Principle. It’s like a light bulb went off in my head, and I now see every setback as a stepping stone to success.”

New Lease on Life

“I feel invincible and motivated to chase my dreams without fear”


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your time is now

Tomorrow, Only One Thing In Your Life is Guaranteed

Helios will set out in his golden chariot from Ethiopia in the East. He will drive his dazzling steeds to Hesperides in the West and all the Sunflowers in the fields of Earth will turn their heads in awe as he draws the Sun across the skies. In the evening, he will leisurely canter home to Ethiopia lounging in a golden cup.

That much is guaranteed. Whatever else happens tomorrow will be of YOUR making…

Thank you for stepping out with me.